Before you gear up for your outdoor run this winter, consider doing these yoga moves indoors to prepare yourself for the cold weather outdoors!
Warm Up Indoors Before Hitting the Pavement

Before you gear up for your outdoor run this winter, consider doing these yoga moves indoors to prepare yourself for the cold weather outdoors!
Congratulations to Springfield, Illinois’ Dave Kozlowicz who lost 70 lbs and 26% of his body weight to win the title of Central Illinois Biggest Loser 2011. View more information about the Central Illinois Biggest Loser competition on their facebook page.
The Central Illinois Biggest Loser contestants are challenged in week 2 with running, weights, and tennis! The contestants are learning interval training to help burn more calories. They are already seeing weight loss results — let’s root for a Decatur winner!
This short video from Runners World, Get Off Your Butt: Reverse the Damage of Sitting Too Much shows some simple exercises to do for runners that have desk jobs. Desk jobs are not good for runners leg muscles. Even when you get up, your muscles remain in their shortened position, which forces them to work […]
The Central Illinois Biggest Loser program kicked off with week one! Contestants weighed and measured in and began their workouts at the Decatur Athletic Club.